A steampunk blog of fashion, food and fun..

Are you a 'civilized' person, suited to the Victorian period?

Here's a bit of fun from the McCord Museum of Canadian History in Quebec, 

It's a role-playing game in which you're invited to choose suitable outfits and behaviour for various social occasions.  I was doing very well indeed... right up untill I mistook a fancy-dress costume for a travelling coat. Despite this mistake  the quiz pronounced me "very polite indeed!".  Find it here:

While you're there, enjoy their extensive image gallery and get some great outfit ideas, and if you're feeling generous, make a small donation as well..

Join our Mailing List..

Add your email address, and we'll keep you informed of steampunk events in Melbourne.....

Welcome gentle traveler.... this, our offering to you, of the findings and happenings in a Steamier world. This blog will be a voice and a record of interesting design, exciting events and hopefully useful tidbits of information, crafting instructions, cooking tips and most of all Steampunk themed posts.

It will be part fashion news tips and tricks, part event announcements, part community building and part forum.

Welcome, one and all, ladies and lads of Steam, Cog and Kliestron Generator, To the Steampunkerie Blog!

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