A steampunk blog of fashion, food and fun..

Melbourne: Circus Oz - SteamPowered! Sat 2nd July

Circus Oz is going steampunk this June/July with their new shoe "Steam Powered"

Come along in your finest Steampunk attire and step into a time where romance meets technology and everything is hand-made and steam-powered. It’s a time for restoring wonder, for reclaiming technology, re-imagining our modern world and rewiring your wit. Come dressed as the Aviator, the Mechanic, the Inventor, the Mad Musician, Victoriana’s Strongest Woman or a little of all of them mixed together. Bring along your bright shiny gadgets and get ready to let off some STEAM! 

For this show only we have 25% off Adults A reserve tickets from March 21 – April 21 when booking with code word GADGETS at or 131600

FB event details for the special discount here:

In added goodness the night they've selected for our special night (Sat 2nd July) is also one of their Auslan shows.

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Welcome gentle traveler.... this, our offering to you, of the findings and happenings in a Steamier world. This blog will be a voice and a record of interesting design, exciting events and hopefully useful tidbits of information, crafting instructions, cooking tips and most of all Steampunk themed posts.

It will be part fashion news tips and tricks, part event announcements, part community building and part forum.

Welcome, one and all, ladies and lads of Steam, Cog and Kliestron Generator, To the Steampunkerie Blog!

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